In cases of physical shock to your hard drive, as long as the disk platter surface is in good condition, you can usually expect a successful recovery, even when there is a motor or heads issue. This is particularly the case with hard drives that have hit the floor from physical shock and have suffered damage to the disk platter. If the heads inside the hard drive are damaged, our success rate is typically lower. These symptoms are very common and we specialise in such cases. If your hard drive is making any unusual sounds such as clicking, beeping or ticking, it almost always points to damage to the read/write heads, motor or other internal damage. In pretty much all of these cases, we can recover your data. Most commonly we see hard drives presenting with bad sectors, read errors, file system or partition corruption as well as damaged printed circuit boards (PCBs) and firmware problems. In fact, we are so confident in our expertise, that if we cannot recover your data, we do not charge you anything. We have the skills, knowledge and expertise as well as the most advanced equipment available in the world to provide the safest and best possible chance at recovering your lost data. When it comes to recovering data from a failed hard drive or solid-state drive you often get one shot at it. Taking these measures will greatly improve the chances of a successful data recovery.
It is important to stop using it and to not let anybody who does not know what they are doing use it or try to use any software to scan or make changes to the disk. The most important thing to do, in order to prevent any further damage, is to immediately power off the hard drive. My hard drive has stopped working, what should I do?